Improving STEM Education Together

We know that the use of evidence-based instructional practices (EBIPs), defined as strategies used to promote student learning in addition to lecture, improve STEM student outcomes, but their usage is still infrequent (Stains et al, 2018). Even if you as an individual instructor or you as a program are using EBIPs already, it may be difficult to document the benefits that they are accruing. Or perhaps you are not yet using EBIPs and want to gain the skill set to do so effectively. In either case, we will help you adopt EBIPs, document the positive benefits from using EBIPs, and celebrate your commitment to improving student outcomes at your institution. Let’s work on improving STEM education together.

The Use of EBIPs Improve STEM Student Outcomes

Whether it be the syllabus, a single lesson, or an entire course, using EBIPs and having a student-centered teaching philosophy improve STEM student outcomes and are therefore a potent strategy to recruit new students, improve student performance, increase student retention, and fix the “leaky pipeline” in STEM. EBIPs at the lesson level, such as the vast variety of active learning techniques, have been shown to improve student learning across STEM. EBIPs at the course level, including high structure course design, also reduce or close performance gaps that exist between historically well-represented vs under-represented students in STEM. When tailored to your own specific institution and instructional situation, you will be able to use EBIPs to help your STEM students successfully navigate your program and achieve exceptional career goals.



Ian Kelley


Alberta Clarke

Support Staff


Ian Kelley


Alberta Clarke

Support Staff

Making Impacts Happen

Dr. Justin Shaffer applies his extensive 12+ year experience in the classroom as a STEM teaching professor, his skills in discipline-based education research studying course design and active learning, and his enthusiasm for working with faculty to partner with you on professional development opportunities to learn about EBIPs and how they can transform your program, faculty, and student outcomes. Contact Justin to partner with him on workshops, keynotes, seminars, and more. 


Let’s Work Together

Reach out to Justin to schedule a time to chat about ways to partner to improve STEM outcomes in your program. Whether you are starting from scratch with adopting EBIPs and documenting their impacts or have established methods in place, Justin will be able to help you positively transform your program which will result in increased student recruitment, retention, and overall success.

“I appreciate Justin’s facilitating our move forward and improving our curriculum. Many of our faculty have never gone through this type of process, so Justin not only helped us design courses that will provide a better educational experience but educated our faculty as well. Justin helped us improve both faculty and student success. We are excited about these courses.”

  Robert Dearth, Founding Director and Professor, School of Integrative Biological and Chemical Sciences, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley


“Dr. Shaffer conducted a professional development workshop for BYU. He is a dynamic and engaging speaker. The workshop highlighted practical, straightforward methods to engage students more effectively. He coupled his expertise in pedagogy with compelling data on the effectiveness of these techniques. Justin was able to engage a large group of faculty from a variety of disparate disciplines and provide them all with relevant skills. Our faculty walked away inspired as well as prepared to transform their courses into high structure learning environments. I would definitely recommend him!”

Jamie Jensen, Professor, Department of Biology, BYU

“Justin is a fantastic workshop presenter, instructor, and collaborator. His enthusiasm and knowledge of subjects such as course design and active learning clearly show through in his presentations, in which he makes everyone feel engaged, welcome, and inspired. I highly recommend your department or teaching and learning center to invite Justin so that he can work with and inspire your colleagues too.”

Sami Raut, Associate Professor, Department of Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham

Upcoming Events

Feb  2025

Macmillan Chemistry Instructors Summit

Workshop: High structure course design for chemistry curricula

Austin, TX

Mar 2025

University of Northern Colorado Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Seminar: Impacts of high structure course design across disciplines


Mar 2025

Missouri S&T Innovation in Teaching and Learning Conference

Keynote and Workshop: Impacts of high structure course design on STEM education

Rolla, MO

Apr 2025

AAC&U Conference on Learning and Student Success (CLASS)

Workshop: Using High Structure Course Design to Maximize Student Engagement and Success


Apr 2025

University of North Texas College of Engineering

Workshop: Maximizing student engagement with modern iClicker questions and peer instruction

Denton, TX

May 2025

California Outcomes Assessment Coordinators Hub (COACHes) SLO Talks

Talk: Impacts of high structure course design on student success


Engaging faculty and improving teaching worldwide

Previous partners, workshops, and seminars

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Company Info

Recombinant Education LLC

Founded by Justin Shaffer, PhD

Golden, CO


Let’s work together! Please contact me to discuss your unique circumstances, scheduling, rates, and questions.